Girl In The Sunny Place (Hidamari No Kanojo) Eng sub

Synopsis: The story is set in Shonan area along the coast of Sagami Bay. This fantastic romance begins from a serendipitous reunion. A newbie salesman named Kosuke Okuda (Jun Matsumoto) happens to meet Mao Watarai (Juri Ueno), a friend from his junior high school days, through business. In spite of the fact that Mao used to be called as the “dumbest student in school” and was often bullied by the others, she has totally transformed into a beautiful and charming woman when they are reunited 10 years later. This fateful reunion makes them remind innocent feelings of their childhood and fall in love with each other immediately. It does not take long for them to decide to get married. However, Mao is keeping one big mysterious secret about her… The young couple’s love of a lifetime makes “two miracles”. One is the “miraculous reunion” which is brought by Mao’s secret. What might the other be ? When the secret is revealed, their romance comes to an unprecedented happy ending.

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