[Movie] Like Crazy

Anna Gardner and Jacob Helm, a Londoner and an Angeleno respectively, meet as students attending the same Los Angeles college. They end up falling in love just before they both graduate. Instead of Anna’s original plan of heading home to London for the summer following graduation which includes needing to attend her sister’s wedding, Anna, not wanting to leave Jacob at all, at the last minute changes her mind and decides to stay with Jacob in Los Angeles for the summer, only returning home at the end of the summer for the wedding before returning back to Los Angeles to be with Jacob. However, when Anna tries to reenter the United States at LAX, she is denied entry as she violated the terms of her student visa by staying that extra two months over the summer. Both Anna and Jacob, the former with the help of her supportive parents who have met and like Jacob, do whatever they can to overcome what seems to be the stringent US customs regulations for Anna to be able to reenter the States again at some point in time down the road. Having established his own business as a custom furniture designer and builder in Los Angeles, Jacob, after discussing the issue with Anna, is not prepared to move to London, and due to the logistics it does not make sense for Jacob to commute back and forth regularly between the two cities. So in the meantime, they decide to try the long distance relationship. The question then becomes whether their relationship can survive all the stresses on it, especially as they establish their own separate lives in their respective cities without the other, which also includes other romantic interests entering their lives. 

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